Thomas D’Souza was born on 23rd March 1970 in Chulne (Vasai) and, having completed School Studies in St Augustine’s High School (Barampur), obtained Graduation Degree in Science from the Mumbai University in 1990 and thereafter joined St Pius College (Goregaon). He was ordained as Priest on 18th April 1998 and opted for the Diocese of Vasai on 15th August 1998.
Fr. Thomas excelled in studies: He has done Masters in ‘Philosophy and Religion’ at Madras University (Chennai) from 2001 to 2003 and Periodic Courses from Henry Martin Institute of Islamic Studies (Hyderabad). He is a Visiting Professor for ‘World Religions and Islam’ at St. Pius College (Goregaon) since 2003 and Visiting Lecturer for ‘Inter-religious Dialogue and Inculturation’ at Dhaynalaya (Borivali).
As a Priest, he was an Assistant Priest at Holy Ghost Church (Nandakhal). He was the Rector of the Minor Seminary (Remedy) twice, was the Parish Priest at Divine Mercy Church (Bhiwandi), St. James Church (Agashi), Rector at the Shrine of Our Lady of Remedies (Remedy) and Parish Priest at Holy Ghost Church (Nandakhal) till his appointment.
Fr D’Souza held various Diocesan and Regional Responsibilities: the Catechetical Director of the English Parishes and Schools, Vocation Promoter of the Diocese and the Director of Diocesan Seminarians in the Major Seminary. He was the Secretary of the Priests’ Council, Regional Secretary for the Western Region Commission for Proclamation, Member of the Diocesan Spiritual Society, Dean of St. John Deanery (Papdy), Member of the College of Consultors, Diocesan Convener for Synod on Synodality, Secretary of College of Consultors from August 2024 and Founder Member of the Diocesan Commission for Basic Christian Communities (BEC), Core Committee Member of the Diocesan Board of Education, Director for St. Vincent de Paul Society and Spiritual Advisor of Remedy Mata Ladies’ Sodality Federation.
Fr. Thomas is a fountain of compassion, joy and discernment. His ability to make decisions – using intuition – has been useful in decision making process in many critical and emergency situations. He has also taken tough decisions with gentlene kindness while keeping a smile on his face and deep love in heart. He is child-like with children, acts as youth with the young people and blend easily with adults and senior citizens. There is no doubt that his attitude to unite with the young and the old and his disposition to empathize with the deprived persons was, is and will be felt by all strata of society.
With his interest in arts-sports-inter-religious harmony-Christian unity, we hope that he will contribute significantly to the mainstream of India among priests, religious Sisters and Brothers, laity, people of various religions and of different denominations as well.
With such an extensive experience and expertise, the Holy Father has appointed our Fr. Thomas D’Souza to lead the Diocese of Vasai. And today, December 15, the cardinals, archbishops and bishops from various dioceses have come to consecrate Msgr as the Bishop, along with Monsignors, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers and Lay People to witness this historic ceremony.
Bishop Thomas Francis D’Souza: Coat of Arms
‘To fan the Flames of Faith’ is the Motto of Bishop Thomas D’Souza’s Apostolic Mission from his Coat of Arms. In the Second Epistle to Timothy, Chapter One, Verse Six, Paul wrote to his companion and bishop, Timothy, during his missionary journey. He explains to Timothy that after anointing the head of the bishop, begins the God-given-responsibility of blowing the embers of faith in the people, in order to augment the fire and share warmth thereof to empower all people with fearless power, love and self-discipline…
Faith is a gift of God. Therefore, to be aware of Faith, to awaken Faith and to transform Faith into Action is the divine responsibility so that all experience the fruits of Faith especially, by the poor people of various religions and different denominations. Thus, the fundamental relationship between ‘Faith and Morals’ becomes enriched and motivated by this Motto.
The Seven Symbols of the Coat of Arms are self-explanatory:
The guileless Dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit illustrate the power, wisdom and omnipresence of the Almighty God in His Apostolic Ministry. It implies inclusiveness and sanctification in action.
Heart within the Crown of Thorns emphasizes the Gospel Values of Jesus Christ mainly Love, Truth, Justice and Peace, with service and forgiveness as means. The Lord’s heart reflects optimism despite various challenges in life.
The 1917 visions of Mother Mary at Fátima are well known. Chulna Faithful have experienced her mediation since the 1960s. Her triple message of Prayer, Repentance and Conversion inspires the new Shepherd of Vasai as Patroness.
Glowing Flames in the Map of Vasai Diocese is a symbol of apostolic work and invites all to reach out – in addition to education, medical care and social service – in the areas where there is a dire need today.
Tarpa, a symbol of our mission, is an instrument indicating Faith which sustains in adversity, concerns and retains Faith with sacrifice, reminding for protection of water, land, forest and animals as elements of environment and culture, too.
The Core of this Crest is the radiance of Divine Light of Synodal Journey revealing dialogue, reconciliation, cooperation, collaboration, collective work in order to foster Unity and Solidarity, the means and end of the new Bishop.
The Shield of Christ that accommodates these symbols and the Cross of Jesus on top and the deeply planted Anchor of Faith below is the climax of the Coat of Arms. That ‘Jubilee Year 2025’ is an invitation to work for the all-reaching out Christ who liberates all especially, the poor, the needy and the anawim.
The five coloured logo represents the apostolate in Agriculture, Sea, Hills, Towns and City areas of the Diocese of Vasai. Similarly, the five colours symbolize the unbreakable bond of the Local Church with the Universal Church, consisting of the five continents of the world.